Keeping it Real With Raw Food
Matthew Kenny is crafting the future of food
Update-New Location-Plant Food+Wine-
You can finally indulge in a fabulous ‘tasting’ experience at the new Matthew Kenney’s M.A.K.E. without guilt. Located inside the Santa Monica Place Market, in Los Angeles, California, M.A.K.E. is a living foods, raw restaurant, featuring cutting edge plant-based cuisine. Everything is alive, radiant, nutritious, plant based food that is so full of energy, it is a delight for all the senses. The rich fuschia colored Chidori kale for the eyes, the ears get the crunch of the sesame-flax crisps, Kenney is a master presenting the tastiest raw food recipes with the biggest wow factor. Each bite has a continuous surprise of flavors, layered to discover for the whole palate. The most fun is ‘deconstructing’ the dish and sharing the guess work with your fellow foodies.
Note: Matthew Kenney Culinary is right next door, with a state-of-the-art raw food Academy. It feels as if the student chefs are creating these unique recipes all at once and the dishes are designed in the moment, just for you.
This whole-food centered eating extravaganza is the result of innovative ideas inspired by seasonal, local produce, as well as many of Matthew’s classic raw food dishes.
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
Albert Einstein
The manager and servers were very helpful and explained the dishes so that even a neophyte would understand. When each serving arrives it is like a gift, where you are aroused by the attention to detail and the artfulness of the plate designs. Here’s a fun game: try to keep the beauty of the plate arrangement in tact (almost impossible) while awakening to the ingredients and enjoying the cacophony of flavors with a surprise in each bite.
Matthew Kenney is taking on the food industry, and leading the global vegan/raw food movement, considered a top chef and trainer in the field, an author of several best selling raw food recipe books. He is also the founder of the renowned Raw Food Culinary Institute “105 Degrees” in Oklahoma City. In addition, “PlantLab is an experimental kitchen and laboratory redefining plant-based cuisine. PlantLab utilizes modernist techniques to develop new culinary innovations, pairings, and recipes. Through strategic partnerships, PlantLab is outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment, some of which is straight out of a laboratory. We believe that plant-based cuisine deserves the level of attention and analysis that only PlantLab can provide.”
Follow him on the new afternoon cooking show, Fresh Take, on the Health and Wellness Channel. “Matthew is a wonderfully inspiring chef who is on the forefront of the movement to bring nature back into cooking and the culinary arts. We’re very lucky to have tapped into Matthew and his enthusiasm for something so worthwhile and needed in society today,” says Health & Wellness Channel founder Drew Nederpelt.
FYI-Tony Robbins says, “If you want to be alive, eat live foods”. He also brings up the point that our planet is 70% water and our bodies are 80% water. He says then, that it only makes sense for us to eat mostly water rich foods such as fruit, vegetables and sprouts. He explains that proper diet increases one’s energy, which is necessary for total success.
For further information, books and the Apothecary of Chocolate, check out his site:
He’s got two other restaurants:
IN THE RAW, a vibrant raw food bistro located in the beautiful North Shore region of Chicago.
And soon to be:THE WHITE LOTUS, located at The Space Miami, in Miami’s Wynwood Arts District, The White Lotus will be a living foods restaurant, featuring cutting edge, plant-based cuisine with local influences.